Pastor Olistin is Senior Pastor of New Covenant Baptist Church in Croix Des Bouquet, Haiti. Pastor Olistin currently has an 2 orphanages with a total 175 children and is continually being asked to add more.
- from humble beginnings
- Onaville Haiti
- walking in the field of dreams December 2012
- Louis (founder of Help 4 Haiti) and his daughter standing in the field of hope for the orphans December 2012
- when there was just a foundation December 2012
- Orphanage Home Place 2012 before the walls are raised
- Nancy putting together a kite to give away in Onaville Haiti from our mission trip in December 2012
- Van Meeting at Onaville Haiti we shared the Gospel with our new friends December 2012
- the walls going up
- the walls going up
- Pastor Olistin and Wade in front of the orphanage
- orphanage in Haiti under construction
- Our first visit as a team to see the orphanage in Haiti under construction December 2013
- front porch of the orphanage under construction in Onaville Haiiti 12/13
- bucket bucket bucket over 100 Haitian men employed to finish the roof 12/13
- Andrew and Victoria taking instructions from a Haitian worker on tying rebarb on the roof
- Julia was praising God for the progress of the orphanage in Onaville Haiti
- the roof December 2013
- Orphanage under construction in Onaville Haiti
- the sunsets are gorgeous in Onaville Haiti from the roof
- beams used to hold up concrete fro the roof
- Orphanage in December 2013
- New Orphanage Under Construction in Onaville Haiti December 2013
- inside the orphanage under construction in Onavile Haiti December 2013
- children having camp before the plaster
- The first basketball goal in Onaville
- progress
- inside the orphanage
- building progress
- building progress on the orphanage
- the wall is up for safety
- the outside of the orphanage
- Front Porch of orphanage
- Plaster on ceiling and walls complete (most recent pictures from Pastor Olistin)
Mission Statement: We exist to serve the least of these through supporting the ministries of New
Covenant Missions of Haiti.
Giving opportunity: To love & support orphans & families by raising funds for food, shelter & education. To provide mission based trips while experiencing the joy of our Haitian friends.
Priorities are feeding the orphans and building an orphanage. We are still seeking to raise at least $100K to build the orphanage for the orphans. As of January 2014 we have half the orphanage completed. Please donate today to help us finish the orphanage for the children.
You can aslo particpate by feeding an orphan $35 a month! Become a partner with us and sponsor a child. You will receive a photo and address to send letters.
Matthew 25:40 The King will answer and say to them, `Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. NLT
We have sent out our letter for those who have made donations for 2013. Please consider another gift for this year. Our faith is encouraged with each new person willing to bless the children! May God Richly bless you all!
Our church (Pennsville Baptist Church…Mt. Pleasant, PA gave $56,000 toward the orphanage project in Onaville. I am glad to see the project continuing. About one month ago 5 of our men went to the NW (a doctor and construction team). We have given $20,000 to build an orphanage in Jean Rabil. So far a 45×90 floor has been poured. We are endeavoring to give more for the project. We are sending Pastor Moies to Seminary.
I and Brian Geesaman from Eagle Ranch Ministries will be in Port Au Prince with Pastor Olistin for a Pastor’s Conference in July. This year will be our 5th conference.
Keep up the good work!
Pastor Terry V. Murray
Pennsville Baptist Church
Keep us posted as to the progress on the orphanage in Port Au Prince.
Our first visit was with 16 folks from our church in March 2010 with Score International.
We recently learned that the children have to move from Croix des Boquets to Onaville by May 31,2014. Pray with us as we raise $150,000 to complete and furnish the Onaville orphanage for the children to move in. We are planning a May 31- June 7, 2014 ministry to paint the orphanage & help move the children in.
Prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift by March 15 to complete the Onaville orphanage1st floor for the children to move in by June 7 and begin raising $1500 to join us on this summer break painting/moving ministry trip.
We serve a big God who is able to do exceedingly above all we ask or think.
Bondey bon toutan!
Hello, all you doing it s very nice